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HRLR: Constitution


1. Title

Hull Rugby League Referees Society

2. Objectives.

To provide a match officiating service as required by the Hull & District Leagues, Service Area, BARLA, and The Rugby Football League.

Promote goodwill and social fellowship between society members, encouraging mutual respect for opposing opinions and differing priorities.

Debate the Laws of the Game to assist in achieving consistency and uniformity and application.

3. Officers.

The society officers to constitute a Management Committee will comprise a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Appointments Secretary. A quorum of three will formalise a Management Committee meeting convened as required by the Chairman.

4. Membership.

Active and non-active Rugby League Referees. Prospective new members must demonstrate their knowledge of Laws of the Game and acquire practical experience while serving a thirteen match probationary period after which, with management endorsement, they will be considered for full membership.

Any prospective new member must attend a full society meeting and explain why they want to become a referee and then leave the room whilst a vote on their application is undertaken.

5. Subscriptions.

The level of annual subscriptions will be agreed at the Annual General Meeting, payable to the Treasurer no later than 31st January each year.

Junior members under 18 years of age and probationary members will not be required to pay subscriptions until they reach the age of 18 or finish their probationary period.

The society financial year to commence annually on the 1st June.

6. Ordinary Meetings.

Meetings commencing at 7.30pm will normally be held on the third Monday of the month, throughout the year, except for December when there will be no meeting, at a venue suitable to the majority of the membership.

Representatives to attend external organisations will be appointed at the August meeting.

The agenda will be jointly compiled by the Chairman and Secretary. Voting will be via a ‘show of hands’ by all active and full members on a simple majority basis. The meeting Chairman shall not vote except when a casting vote becomes necessary but all other Management Committee members can participate.

A ballot may be called at the discretion of the Chairman when a decision is required on a sensitive issue.

Two thirds of the membership in attendance at a meeting will constitute a quorum.

Any member who fails to attend two consecutive society meetings, without tendering their apologies, will receive no match appointments until they attend the next meeting.

Discussion on any topic may be suspended by the chairman and meetings will terminate by ‘standing orders’ not later than 10.00pm.

7. Annual General Meeting.

The formal society business will be transacted at the Annual General Meeting on the third Monday in May. Voting arrangements as for ordinary meetings and notification of the meeting must be sent to all members not less than twenty one days prior to the due date.

The agenda to include Chairman’s comments, Secretary's report, presentation of audited accounts, election of officers, subscriptions, constitution, the appointment of two Trustees/Cheque Signatories and Development Officer.

Other relevant items notified in writing to the Secretary not later than fourteen days prior to the meeting will be considered by the Management Committee for inclusion on the agenda.

The Management Committee are empowered to convene a Special General Meeting if deemed to be necessary giving a minimum of fourteen days written notice of any such meeting. A seconded proposal supported by at least three members, specifying the requirement to call a Special General Meeting will be subject to approval by the Society Management Committee.

All officers and other positions defined on the agenda shall retire after completing a two year term of office but be eligible for re-election. Replacement nominations must have the individuals consent and be notified in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days in advance of the meeting date.

Any mid-term vacancies can be included as a special item on the agenda of an ordinary meeting.

8. Society Records.

All business transacted at meetings to be minuted, normally by the Secretary and presented to the next relevant meeting for discussion and ratification.

Management Committee decisions to be made available to members except when considered to be of a confidential nature – recorded and retained for future reference.

9. Discipline.

The society rules, formulated by the Management Committee and subject to annual review will be detailed in a ‘Code of Conduct’ document presented for discussion and approval at the August meeting.

A sub-committee of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will consider all disciplinary matters with the power to impose fines, suspensions or a combination of both for proven ‘Code of Conduct’ contraventions. The Management Committee also has the power to appoint a similar sub-committee to deal with members who they feel have acted outside the "spirit" of the Code of Conduct. This may also lead to disciplinary action being taken resulting in a fine or suspension.

Fourteen days written notice of a disciplinary hearing with brief details of any alleged indiscretion must be provided to the individual concerned and may include a committee request for a personal appearance.

An appeals sub-committee comprising of the Deputy Chairman, Appointments Secretary and Development Officer will consider any appeals incorporating two main criteria: extenuating circumstances which were not taken into account at the original hearing or the presentation of new evidence. Any documentation from the original disciplinary meeting must be available for the appeals sub-committee perusal.

Written application for a personal individual attendance at any disciplinary or appeals meeting must be submitted to the Secretary at least seven days prior to the meeting taking place and all decisions must be communicated in writing to the member concerned.

10. Constitution Alteration.

Any proposals for additions or amendments to the constitution must be notified in writing to the Secretary prior  to the 1st May for management consideration and possible inclusion on the Annual General Meeting agenda.

11. Authority.

When urgency precludes convening a full Management Committee meeting the Chairman and Secretary are authorised to make joint decisions on administration with the Chairman and Treasurer having the same authority to make joint decisions on financial matters. Co-option to any committee or sub- committee is permissible.

12. Interpretation.

Interpretation of the constitution and code of conduct shall be the prerogative of the Management Committee.


Constitution Version 7 confirmed by the Society 13 May 2019.

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